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fAfB fCfD fEfF fGfH fIfJ fKfL fMfN fOfP fQfR fSfT fUfV fWfX fYfZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
MATCO furnishing 20, 22, 24, 25, 27
MUSKAAN furnishing furnitur 35
MUSLIN ELEGANT furnishing 24
NAKODAJI foam furnishing 35
NITE-N-DAY home furnishing 24
PRIME furnishing 35
RADIANCE home furnishing 24
RAJ furnishing 35
SANSKRITI furnishing 24
SOFFI'S CREWEL furnishing 24
SUNDER furnishing & mattres 35
SURYA curtains & furnishing 24
furnishing 24
furnishing 24
VISHAL furnishing +circle 24
g global foam & furnishing 35
km KIRAN MITTAL furnishing 24
sd SHYAM DRAPES furnishing 24
furnishings 35
BSL furnishings +squares 24
DICITEX furnishings 24
FANTASY furnishings +birds 24
FDECOR furnishings +square 24
FLOATING WALLS furnishings 20
GM furnishings 24
GOLDEN furnishings 24
NOVELTY furnishings +oval 24
SAJAWAT furnishings +window 24
SIDDHARTH furnishings 24, 35
SKIPPER furnishings +stripe 24
VORHANG EXOTIC furnishings 27
WEAVERS GUILD furnishings 24, 25, 26, 27, 42
naturals home furnishings 24
CRYSTAL furnitech 19
furniture GALLERY 20
furniture LAN 20
furniture POINT 20, 35
furniture YATRA 42
3 APPLES +fruit & furniture 2
ADMIRE +furniture 19
furniture 20
AIRAVAT furniture polish 2
AJAY steel furniture +oval 20
ALTECH steel furniture +ova 20
ANKIT CEALLO furniture 20
ARROW imported furniture 20
ARVIND steel furniture 20
ASHA furniture works 16, 20, 35, 42
ASHLEY furniture HOME STORE 20, 35
ATELIER the furniture shop 20
BAJRANG furniture 20
BINDAL furniture 20
BMW furniture fittings 6
BOULEVARD furniture & desig 20
BRANDON furniture studio 35
BROADWAY trolleys furniture 20
BRUZAE furniture 20
BSF BHARGAV steel furniture 20
CAPITO furniture 35
CC CASA CLASSE furniture 20
CENTAUR furniture +circle 20
CF CAUVERY furniture 35
CHANDAN ply +furniture 19
CHESTNUT furniture 20
CHIKKANAM furniture 20
CHOICE moulded furniture 21
COLUMBUS FIRST furniture 20
COMPACT tubular furniture 20
CONCEPT furniture 20
CRAZY moulded furniture 20
CREATION THE furniture SHOP 20
D DEFURN furniture +globe 20
D DOMEIN imported furniture 20
D DREAM decor furniture 20
DECORA furniture 20
DELTA interior & furniture 6
furniture 20
DFW DARLING furniture world 20
DIKSHAM furniture 20
DUKE furniture +plant 20
DURGA kitchen & furniture 20
EARA furniture fittings 6
EBCO furniture fittings 6
EON imported furniture 20
EXON SALON furniture +chair 20
FA furniture accessories 6, 20
FALCON furniture 20
FASO furniture and more 35
FERROART furniture interior 20
FF fine furniture 20
FH furniture HOUSE +hut 20
FLAMINGO furniture 20
FOURESS furniture hardware 6
FURN PLANET furniture 20
GF GOPINATH furniture 20
GINI gold +furniture 19
GITA steel furniture 20
GLARE exclusive furniture 6
GLOBAL furniture +globe 20
GLUNZ hand made furniture 20
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